How to Romanticize the Winter Season

Now that the holidays have passed and the new year has begun, slow season is upon us. This time of year can be hard with winter in full swing, shorter and darker days, cold temperatures, and not many breaks or holidays to look forward to.

During the last few years, since working full time especially, I have found one way to make this season a little easier is to romanticize it! Romanticizing to me, is making something more beautiful or highlighting the beauty in our daily life, even the mundane moments.

I’ve been reading The Little Book of Hygge, Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking. It focuses on the presence of Hygge, the danish term for essentially homey or coziness. Throughout the book, Wiking focuses on how danish people thrive in the winter season and slower months because of the concept and feeling of hygge. It further inspired me to incorporate hygge into my life throughout this new season and embrace the winter instead of dread it.

Some ways I’ll be incorporating coziness and romanticizing my life this winter:

  • Candles– helps with the darker nights and creates a warm inviting space
  • Lots of cozy layers– blankets, pillows, etc on the couch and bedroom
  • Books– reading a new book, cozying up on the couch after a long day
  • Making fun meals– I love making fun breakfasts or dinners during the week to have something different and “weekend like” to look forward to
  • Plan fun winter activities– walks in the snow, making a new soup, building a snowman, ice skating etc.
  • Plan a trip– a winter trip is one of my favorites! and it brings that feeling of something to look forward to
  • Incorporate seasonal elements– bring in cool tones (whites, cool neutrals) into the home and small valentines day touches can make the home feel in line with the seasons
  • Create a winter bucket list– creating a list of things to embrace in the winter and work towards can make the season more fun
  • Spend time in the snow– you either love or hate the snow but it’s definitely something to try and embrace during the season (especially if you live in a place that snows often).
  • Cherishing time indoors– this season is all about staying warm, and cultivating a space inside that brings joy and comfort

One of my favorite parts about romanticizing a season or time of life is that it usually doesn’t require material things or an excessive amount of effort. We can romanticize our lives and seasons with what we already have and what we already do. Challenging our mindset about a particular season or time of life is the biggest way to shift how we feel. Cheers to embracing a new season and the start of 2024!

Embracing the outdoors even in the snow
Spending time in the snow
Building a snowman
Winter walks
Car picnics
Winter trips
Warm drinks
Winter cabin trips are some of my favorite!
Snowy backgrounds and cozy indoor elements
Spending time in the snow is a must in the winter

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